NBN Speed Tiers

Find the NBN Speed That Is Right for You

Simple internet plans with everything you need

nbn® Speed Tiers Explained

While the NBN Co offers a number of different speed tiers for home broadband access, the speeds available to you will depend on the type of nbn technology you are connecting through.

The different speeds offered are not only meant to suit different budgets, but also different needs. The best way to decide what speed is best for you is to first establish what technology has been installed at your address, so you know exactly what nbn speeds are available to you. 

Then you can start to explore what types of usage each speed tier is perfect for, knowing that you can easily upgrade to a higher speed if necessary.

nbn Connection Technology

Living in a rural or remote region aren’t the only factors that influence the technology used to connect your home to the nbn. The type of building you live in, along with existing telecoms infrastructure also play a part, though the NBN Co does provide an option for some property owners to pay to change the connection technology used at their address.

Connection Technology Type

Theoretical Maximum Download Speed

Fibre to the Premises (FTTP)

1 Gbps 1

Fibre to the Node (FTTN)

100 Mbps 2

Fibre to the Curb (FTTC)

500 Mbps 1

Fibre to the Building (FTTB)

100 Mbps 2

Hybrid Fibre-Coaxial (HFC)

1 Gbps 1

Fixed Wireless

100 Mbps 3

Sky Muster™ Satellite Service

25 Mbps

1 This is the theoretical maximum download speed supported by this connection type, though only a top speed of 100 Mbps is currently offered.
2 Top theoretical maximum download speed available through Dodo for FTTN and FTTB connection types is 50 Mbps.
3 Actual speed on Fixed Wireless is highly variable and influenced by a number of factors.

Current nbn Speed Tiers

There are currently four speed tiers available for fixed line nbn connections at Dodo.

created by dodo



nbn100 1

Home Superfast

  • Downloads speeds of up to 15Mbps5
  • Upload speeds of up to 5Mbps

Best for not more than 2 people using it at the same time for:

  • Sending and receiving email
  • General browsing
  • Social media
  • Music streaming

Check availability in your area

  • Download speed of up to 25 Mbps 2
  • Upload speed of up to 5 Mbps

Best for not more than four people using it at the same time for:

  • Sending and receiving email
  • General browsing
  • All types of social media
  • Music streaming
  • Online gaming
  • Video streaming in SD

Check availability in your area

  • Download speed of up to 50 Mbps 3
  • Upload speed of up to 20 Mbps

Best for not more than six people using it at the same time for:

  • Sending and receiving email
  • General browsing
  • All types of social media
  • Music streaming
  • Online gaming
  • Video streaming in HD

Check availability in your area

  • Download speed of up to 100 Mbps 4
  • Upload speed of up to 20 Mbps

Best for not more than nine people using it at the same time for:

  • Sending and receiving email
  • General browsing
  • All types of social media
  • Music streaming
  • Online gaming
  • Video streaming in 4K

Check availability in your area

  • Download speed of up to 250 Mbps 6
  • Upload speed of up to 21 Mbps

Best for 9+ people using at the same time for:

  • Sending and receiving email
  • General browsing
  • All types of social media
  • Music streaming
  • Online gaming
  • Multiple Video streams in 4K
  • Video Streaming in 8K

Check availability in your area

1 Available only in certain areas with FTTP, FTTC and HFC type connections.
2 25Mbps typical evening speed.
3 50Mbps typical evening speed.
4 100Mbps typical evening speed.
5 A speed tier created by Dodo to provide 15 mbps typical evening speed on the nbn network.
6 245Mbps typical evening speed.

Typical evening speed (7pm-11pm). Speed may vary due to various factors and confirmed once connected. Fixed Wireless speeds are slower than fixed connections. See About nbn® Speeds for more info.

It is important to note that there is no guarantee of you being able to attain the theoretical maximum speed of your selected speed tier. A number of factors can influence actual speeds, including:

  • Your home's distance from the nbn node or Fixed Wireless tower.
  • Where your modem is located.
  • Interference from other electrical and wireless devices.
  • Network capacity and traffic.
  • The wiring in your home.
  • The time of day. Evenings between 7pm and 11pm are peak periods when you can expect high congestion and slower speeds.

Dodo is only able to confirm your maximum attainable speed once your installation and connection are completed. We check to see if your service is able to support your chosen speed tier, and if it can't you can either select a lower speed tier or cancel your service.

Check what technology is used to connect your home to the nbn, then select the Dodo plan with the speed that matches your household size or need.