Welcome to 2022! Despite consisting of the exact same 12 months as 2020 and 2021, we have a feeling this year is going to be a lot better.
Now, we know that the holiday season can leave us all feeling a little light on cash. Whether you’ve spent your last pay packet of 2021 on gifts for pals, treated yourself to a beachside blowout, or bought several whole wheels of cheese – January is often a time for being frugal.
The good news is that there is still PLENTY of fun to be had across Australia – and plenty of that fun doesn’t cost a penny. Here are some of our top picks for free fun for you in 2022:
1. Flop on the beach!
The thing about Australia’s beaches is that they’re not just free – they’re so good that an afternoon on an Australian beach has been scientifically proven (not true) to make you feel like you’re an actual millionaire. Of course, you’re not a millionaire (unless you are, of course), so we don’t recommend buying any more whole entire wheels of cheese. But hell, if there’s a solution to decompressing from the rigmarole of the last 24 months, we’re 98% sure it can be found at the beach.
Google it: Type in‘Best secret beach’ and then your location for some off-the-radar finds.
2. Surf the internet!
Surprise! Did you know that new Dodo customers are eligible for one-month free internet from Dodo this year? And did you also know that if those new customers get electricity and gas from Dodo too, then they get THREE months free? Just think of how much fun you could have with all that free internet! Heaps, that’s how much. Head here for the full offer.
Google it: You don’t have to! Hit this link for all the relevant info.
3. Go people-watching at the market!
We love markets for several reasons. For a start, they are FULL of whole entire wheels of cheese. Secondly, they are humming and bustling with life. Thirdly, they make for excellent people-watching. And fourthly, since we’re here: there are often lots of free samples to be sampled. And don’t think you need to be limited to your city’s most famous market here either (we’re looking at you, Queen Vic): suburban and rural Australia is littered with excellent, local, and independent stores for exploring.
Google it: Find something new by searching for ‘pop-up markets’ in your town.
4. Go volunteering!
Did you know that volunteering actually helps fight stress and depression, and can boost your confidence and self-esteem? Real talk. It doesn’t even matter what you do: you could do a shift at your local Salvation Army, help deliver meals through Meals on Wheels (or similar), or even just offer your time and resources to your immediate friends and family. Mow lawns, cook meals, drop off groceries – it doesn’t matter what you do, there’s a 99% chance you’ll feel flippin’ marvelous after you’ve done it.
Google it: Volunteering spots are in high demand, so go into this with an open mind. Google available open opportunities in your area, and be prepared to try something new. Exciting!
5.See art!
Australia’s art scene is humming right now, and you don’t need to live in Melbourne, Sydney, or one of the major centres to make the most of it. Great art shows and exhibitions are everywhere: from Alice Springs to Geelong and everywhere in-between. Not to mention, there’s also been a boom in online and virtual exhibitions and performances in the last couple of years.
Google it: If you live in an Australian city, there’s a pretty good chance that some of the city’s best art can be found on the street. Google ‘street art walking tour’ and your city’s name for some self-guided, open-air art explorations.
6. Go hiking!
Shake off the silly season cobwebs by going for a big old-fashioned hike. You already know that time in nature is incredibly good for you, and we’d argue that those benefits will be multiplied given the sheer amount of time we’ve all spent indoors over the last two years. And you don’t need to head to the country, either: all of Australia’s big cities have excellent hiking trails within a stone’s throw of the CBD.
Google it: Actually, don’t Google it. Head to AllTrails.com and type in your city’s name. You’ll be dished up a massive list of potential hiking routes – all of which have been reviewed, rated, and graded by hikers who have gone before you. Don’t forget to apply sunscreen, pack lots of water, wear a hat and appropriate footwear. Enjoy!
Grab your share of free internet from Dodo in 2022.